January 5, 2009

Day 1 (a.k.a. Let's Get Sanitary!!)

So today was all about food safety. That's just a boring as it sounds. The worst part is that most of the focus is on the handling of meat products and, seeing as how I'm in the pastry program, doesn't really apply to me. Thankfully there are only a couple more days before we actually start working in the kitchen.

My class is 24 people. There are only 3 other guys; I figured I'd be out numbered, but not by quite so much. Our chef (instructor) is pretty great. She's got a great presence and (thank God) a sense of humor. I can't imagine how awful the sanitation bit would be if she didn't.

It will be interesting to see how this first week goes. Most everyone was nervous and it took most of the day before we started conversing during the breaks. Tomorrow will be less overwhelming as will, I'm sure, the day after that. Now if I can just learn how to tie that damn cravat.

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